Dress for Your Close-Up: What to Wear and How to Pose for Stunning Portraits

female senior portrait in a garden with flowers blooming in a fashionable white dress

Capturing a beautiful portrait is a collaborative effort, and a key part of that is feeling confident and comfortable in what you wear. Whether you're a high school senior prepping for your yearbook photo or a professional seeking a polished headshot, the right outfit can make a world of difference. So, let's dive into the world of portrait attire, from wardrobe essentials to posing tips, to ensure your portraits shine!

Wardrobe Must-Haves:

  • Solid Colors: Prints and patterns can be distracting in portraits. Opt for solid colors that flatter your skin tone and complement the background. For headshots, darker colors like navy or charcoal create a professional look, while lighter tones like blush or cream can soften the feel.

  • Fit is Key: Clothes that fit well will do wonders for your confidence and appearance. Avoid baggy or overly tight clothing, and choose pieces that accentuate your best features.

  • Texture Adds Depth: Incorporate textures like lace, corduroy, or knitwear to add visual interest to your outfit. Just be mindful not to overdo it, as too many textures can compete with your face.

  • Accessorize Wisely: Jewelry and scarves can add a touch of personality, but keep it minimal to avoid overwhelming the photograph.

Senior Portrait Pointers:

  • Embrace Your Style: Let your personality shine through! Choose outfits that reflect your unique style and interests.

  • Location Matters: Consider the backdrop of your shoot. If you're surrounded by greenery, opt for lighter colors that won't blend in. For urban settings, bolder colors can pop.

  • Variety is Key: Bring a few different outfit options to your session to create diverse looks. Include a mix of casual and dressy pieces.

Headshot Heroics:

  • Dark Backgrounds: For a professional headshot on a dark background, lighter, solid colors like white, cream, or light blue will stand out beautifully. Avoid black, as it can blend in with the background.

  • Layers and Dimension: A blazer or cardigan adds a polished touch and creates flattering dimension.

  • Minimize Jewelry: Keep jewelry simple and understated to avoid distracting from your face.

Hair & Makeup Magic:

  • Natural Beauty: Enhance your natural features with makeup that complements your coloring and outfit. Avoid overly dramatic makeup, especially for headshots.

  • Hair Harmony: Choose a hairstyle that flatters your face shape and is comfortable enough to wear for the duration of the shoot. Avoid overly styled or trendy looks that might date your photos.

Posing with Panache:

  • Relax and Breathe: The most important tip! Feeling tense will show in your photos. Take deep breaths and trust your photographer to guide you into flattering poses.

  • Good Posture is Key: Stand tall with your shoulders relaxed and your chin slightly lifted. This will instantly improve your confidence and presence in the photo.

  • Engage with Your Eyes: Make eye contact with the camera to create a connection with the viewer. This will draw attention to your eyes and make your portrait more captivating.

  • Experiment and Have Fun: Don't be afraid to try different poses and expressions. The best portraits often capture genuine moments of joy and personality.

Bonus Tip: Communicate with your photographer! Discuss your vision for the shoot and any concerns you have about your outfit or posing. Our expertise can help you achieve a final product that you'll love.

Remember, the most important thing is to feel confident and comfortable in what you wear. When you feel good, you'll naturally radiate that in your photos, creating portraits that truly capture your essence. So, relax, have fun, and let your personality shine through!

-By Aaron Potter

Aaron Potter has over 18 years of professional photography experience as a certified professional photographer from the Hallmark Institute of Photography.

Aaron has proudly called Vancouver, WA home for over 27 years.